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San Diego Challenge Tour

San Diego Challenge Tour

漫步从海岸到沙漠,再回来,而在弹球击败你的伙伴, pie-eating, bocce ball, and other friendly competitions.

Start:San Diego
End:El Cajon
4 - 5Days,8Stops,245Miles
San Diego
Warner Springs
Borrego Springs
El Cajon
Stop 1

San Diego

996 N Harbor Drive, San Diego

从圣地亚哥机场出发,直行前往 Balboa Park, the cultural heart of San Diego. Start by visiting the San Diego Zoo’s apex predators—polar bears, crocodiles, 大型猫科动物——然后与温和的长颈鹿和惊人的大象混在一起. Next, swing by the San Diego Air and Space Museum 去看航空巨星的手工艺品,比如 Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart. For lunch, head for Liberty Station’s Stone Brewing World Bistro and Gardens, housed in a former U.S. 海军食堂,喝精酿啤酒,玩草地地板球. Then check in to the Manchester Grand Hyatt in Seaport Village (40楼的房间可以看到蓝水的景色。). Take a 15-minute walk to Petco Park and arrive in time for first pitch at a San Diego Padres game. End your night at Aero Club Bar这是一家以航空为主题的酒吧,提供1000多种威士忌和很棒的弹球游戏. 

Stop 2



Head upcoast 25 miles to Encinitas, where pickleball lovers hang out at Bobby Riggs Racket and Paddle Club. 报名参加课程或参加公开比赛, and check out exhibits devoted to Riggs, 这位网球明星在1973年臭名昭著的“性别之战”中输给了比莉·简·金.“这个沙滩和海洋的城市也是一个顶级的海滩景点, 无论你是想在斯瓦米海滩观看顶级冲浪还是自己尝试. 阳光和沙滩让你感到饥饿,所以直接去吧 Modern Times Far West Lounge 以植物为基础的食物和30多个旋转水龙头. 传说鱼肉玉米饼是在恩西尼塔斯发明的, 所以,不妨品尝一下当地的风味——比如在这里品尝一下三文鱼玉米饼 Fish 101, mahi mahi tacos at The Taco Stand, and red snapper tacos at The Fish Shop

Stop 3


300 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad

If you’re in Carlsbad with kids, LEGOLAND California is a must. Marvel at plastic-brick-built dinosaurs, remarkably detailed mini-cities, and kid-scale pirate ships, and check out new attractions like LEGO Ferrari Build & Race. 孩子们可以用乐高积木建造自己的法拉利,然后在真正的赛道上驾驶他们的车. 如果你旅行时没有带孩子,那就带上一个大人 So Cal Surf Lessons at Carlsbad Beach. 掌握你的弹出,然后划桨,抓住一些波浪. Afterward, head over to the Museum of Making Music 弹电吉他,学习各种乐器, from Steinway pianos to the ukulele, were invented. 下午晚些时候,在卡尔斯巴德挥挥高尔夫球杆 Park Hyatt Aviara然后在这个250英亩的绿洲里享受奢华的睡眠. 

Stop 4


28690 Mercedes Street #A, Temecula

在圣地亚哥和棕榈泉之间, Temecula 由于肥沃的土壤和近50家葡萄酒厂点缀在阳光普照的山谷中,它已成为南加州的葡萄酒之乡. Start by exploring Old Town Temecula这里有12个街区的古董店、画廊、啤酒酒吧和餐馆. At Temecula Olive Oil Company,品尝特级初榨橄榄油和小批醋. 制定计划,用回收的和手工的家居用品重新装饰你的客厅 Reclaimed at Main St. Market. Play old-school arcade games at Coin-Op Game Room. 当夜幕降临,戴上你的牧牛帽,昂首阔步 Temecula Stampede在占地4000平方英尺的舞池里,然后来一场疯狂的机械公牛之旅.

Stop 5

Warner Springs

31930 Highway 79, Warner Springs

华纳斯普林斯是圣地亚哥县最后的农村牧场前哨之一. 在这片起伏的天空和草地上,牛比人多, 但游客们会发现很多意想不到的乐趣. 在几个家族经营的葡萄园品尝葡萄酒: Shadow MountainHawk Watch, and Emerald Creek. 骑马两个小时,从 Warner Springs Ranch stables. 把车停在加州消防站旁边,然后徒步 Eagle Rock Trail 一堆巨石,形状像一只展翅飞翔的鹰. 看看在华纳泉滑翔机港像鹰一样翱翔是什么感觉. Sky Sailing基本的半小时滑翔机之旅是平稳而温和的, but if you request an “aerobatic” ride, 你的飞行员会把你的世界翻个底朝天. 

Stop 6

Borrego Springs

786 Palm Canyon Drive, Borrego Springs

被Anza-Borrego沙漠包围的村庄 Borrego Springs 当地人能理解慢节奏乐趣的好处吗. Many spend their days hiking, making art, lounging poolside, 在他们阳光明媚的后院读书. 对于游客来说,该镇梦幻般的户外艺术是一个很大的吸引力:里卡多·布雷达的动物动物园 metal sculptures 隐藏在三平方英里的沙漠中. 试着找到所有130件作品,包括大象、剑齿虎、蛇和霸王龙. 在寻找艺术之后,去城里吃点简单的煎饼 Red Ocotillo, burgers and BLTs at Carlee’s, enchiladas and margaritas at Pablito’s. Book a casita at the luxurious La Casa del Zorro or patio room at the pink-adobe Borrego Valley Inn, and plan to stay up late for desert stargazing

Stop 7


2129 Main St., Julian

Motor into Julian这里是圣地亚哥最受欢迎的山城,品尝苹果派. 在这个山城的三家面包店中,每一家都可以买到一片黄油般粘稠的面包Mom’s Pie HouseApple AlleyJulian Pie Company. 每种都吃上几口,考虑一下它们的优点,然后选出赢家. 然后去库亚马卡峰远足,消耗掉坚硬的卡路里, 圣迭戈县第二高的山峰(6),515 feet) and one of the top treks in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park. 想要更成熟的追求,可以去上历史课 Pioneer Museum and tour the Eagle and High Peak Mines,在那里你将了解到朱利安19世纪70年代的淘金热. Sleep at the Julian Gold Rush Hotel, an 1890s Victorian landmark. 

Stop 8

El Cajon

280 N. Magnolia Avenue, El Cajon

Make a final stop in El Cajon这里是圣地亚哥最具文化多样性的郊区之一. 主街是地中海和中东美食的热门地点:你会想尝试沙拉三明治和烤肉串 Mal Al Sham, baked pompano fish and tanoor bread at Ali Baba, and lamb shank stew at Al Azayem. Before you start eating, pull in to Sky Combat Ace 对于高风险的空中比赛-你将驾驶一架真正的特技飞机在模拟缠斗. 与你的朋友或教练战斗,看到失败者的飞机在一缕“烟”中结束.” El Cajon offers mellower pursuits too. Visit the Olaf Wieghorst Museum这里收藏着这位20世纪丹麦移民创作的西方绘画和雕塑. 博物馆的地面上长满了成熟的仙人掌和多肉植物,占据了整个城市街区. 该回家的时候,圣地亚哥机场就在正西20英里处. 

Road Trip Snapshot

了解更多关于这个公路旅行的惊人地点. Ready to plan your trip? 打印行程或地图你的冒险开始.

Stop 1San Diego
996 N Harbor Drive, San Diego
Stop 2Encinitas
Stop 3Carlsbad
300 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad
Stop 4Temecula
28690 Mercedes Street #A, Temecula
Stop 5Warner Springs
31930 Highway 79, Warner Springs
Stop 6Borrego Springs
786 Palm Canyon Drive, Borrego Springs
Stop 7Julian
2129 Main St., Julian
Stop 8El Cajon
280 N. Magnolia Avenue, El Cajon

Car & RV Rentals

Trusted car & 房车租赁公司让你的旅行更容易

Avis Rent a Car
Enterprise Rent a Car
Hertz Rent a Car
Budget Rent a Car
Payless Car Rental
Zip Car
Fox Rent a Car
Sixt Rent a Car
Advantage OPCP
Silver Car
E-Z Rent a car
Midway Car Rental
Mex Rent a Car
United Auto Rental
Auto Distributors
Cruise America
El Monte RV

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