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Plan your next vacation around one of these popular destination races

It’s no secret that California is a state focused on living an active lifestyle. 从 排毒撤退 to 健康的假期 to 放纵的水疗, the Golden State is a hub for athletic 和 wellness-minded travelers—especially runners. 

“California is a runner’s paradise,” says Jessie Sebor, who oversees 竞争对手女性的运行 magazines as Vice President of Media at 竞争对手 Group, Inc. “You are nearly guaranteed to enjoy perfect weather—an advantage that can’t be overstated—as well as beautiful surroundings. 郁郁葱葱的, hilly trail races; flat 和 fast oceanside marathons; themed events where runners dress like their favorite characters—there’s really something here for every sort of aspiring athlete.”

We picked 10 of the best California running races below, listed in order of date.

1. 卡尔斯巴德5000


距离: 五公里,儿童比赛,"全天五公里"

世界纪录曾在这个平地上被打破, 沿海的课程, which features a separate elite wave worth watching for inspiration after you’ve finished your race. If you’re eager to break your 5K time—和 want to enjoy a beautiful beach vacation afterwards—this northern 圣地亚哥县 事件就是这样做的地方. 想要接受更大挑战的跑步者可以尝试“全天5K”,你要连续跑4个5公里,中间要休息. Good news for all: You’ll be rewarded with some of 圣地亚哥’s best craft beer at the post-race 披萨港啤酒花园.

2. 大苏尔国际马拉松赛


距离: 3公里,5公里,12公里,11英里,半程马拉松,21英里,马拉松 

《bbin游戏官网》 他把这个叫做 “非洲大陆上风景最优美的比赛” 很难不同意. 崎岖的悬崖, 雄伟的杉, 和 the turquoise Pacific Ocean line this point-to-point course from 大瑟尔 to 蒙特利, 和 the biggest pack of spectators you’ll see are the cows noshing on grass on the hillside. One of the best things about this iconic race is that you have distance options ranging from 3K to the marathon, 所以每个级别的跑步者都有一些东西. 然而, 如果你跑较短的距离, you’ll miss one of the course highlights—a tuxedo-clad gr和 piano player at mile 13. 注:虽然泥石流造成暂时 一号公路封路, the race course was unaffected 和 is accessible from the north.

3. 从海湾到破浪


距离: 12K

超过5万名穿着盛装的跑步者四处闲逛 旧金山 形成了相当壮观的景象. 虽然这 年度活动—which has been going on for more than 100 years—might appear to be more “organized costume party” than serious road race, 它吸引了喜欢娱乐的休闲跑步者, 精英选手, 和 a competitive “centipede” category (13 or more people attached by a cord of some sort). Bad costume choices make running a 12K slightly more difficult in places like the infamous Hayes Hill at mile 2, 哪家公司的推销率高达11%. 比赛结束于 金门公园在那里,庆祝活动仍在继续. 

4. 巨人大道


距离: 10公里,半程马拉松,马拉松

If a peaceful run under a canopy of giant redwoods sounds like a dream race, make your way to Southern Humboldt County (45英里 south of Eureka) for 巨人大道. You have your choice of distances to explore one of the largest groves of 古老的海岸红杉 步行, 小于3,参赛选手总数达1000人, so you won’t be fighting for space as you me和er through the forest. 的 average temperatures in May—45 to 62 degrees F—are perfect for running. 

5. 圣地亚哥摇滚


距离: 5公里,半程马拉松,马拉松接力,马拉松,遛狗

摇滚系列在1998年首次亮相, 和 the downtown event continues to be a favorite for runners who want to pay a visit to this popular coastal city. 课程穿插其中的一些 圣地亚哥纽约的时尚社区和博物馆林立 巴波亚公园 在市中心结束之前. 和, 因为这是摇滚, you can expect live music along the course 和 a headliner at the elaborate finish line party. 内幕的提示: Runners who take part in three out of four Rock ‘n’ Roll races (including 旧金山, 圣荷西, 洛杉矶, 和圣地亚哥)在一个日历年内获得优惠 “卡利组合” 金牌.

6. 第普西赛


距离: 7.5英里 

Few race entries are as coveted as the Dipsea, the country’s oldest trail race, in Marin County. Because the trails can only accommodate a certain number of runners, 只有1,500名参赛者将在艰苦的7公里赛道上竞争.四英里的楼梯和陡峭的单轨. 的 申请过程—which involves physically mailing in paperwork—is part of what makes this race one of a kind. 最年长和最年轻的选手先出发, 接下来是场地的其他部分,以一分钟为单位, 和 the first person to reach the top wins (as opposed to fastest time). 即使你没被录取, you should add this stretch from Muir Woods to Stinson Beach to your must-run list.

7. 纳帕到索诺玛葡萄酒之乡半程马拉松


距离: 5公里,半程马拉松

喜欢跑步的葡萄酒爱好者们,这个比赛是为你们准备的. With a point-to-point course through some of Napa 和 Sonoma’s most beautiful vineyards, you’ll have plenty of scenery to gawk at before you end in historic Sonoma Plaza. 的 best part: Every finisher gets a wine glass to taste the offerings from more than two dozen wineries.

8. 迪士尼超级英雄半程马拉松周末


距离: 蜘蛛侠5K,雷神10K,半程马拉松 

选一个都不会错 迪斯尼乐园度假村主题跑步, which will give you an entirely new view of the park in the early hours before it opens. In addition to the Super Heroes weekend, Disney also offers the 星球大战半程马拉松 今年1月, 小叮当半程马拉松周末 在五月,和 迪士尼半程马拉松周末 9月.

9. 硅谷火鸡跑


距离: 5公里,10公里,孩子们的比赛 

圣荷西 event isn’t your normal hometown Turkey Trot—it’s the largest timed Thanksgiving weekend race in the 美国. 更多的 than 25,000 people run in the 年度活动, 和 proceeds benefit five different charities. 比赛有几个不同的比赛项目, 包括“Can Do”食物募捐活动, 服装比赛, 以及为当地公民领袖颁发的“市长杯”.

10. 加州国际马拉松赛


距离: 5公里,马拉松接力赛,马拉松

作为美国最快的马拉松之一.S.—the course is net downhill—this popular race appeals to the competitive crowd looking to best their previous times or qualify for the Boston Marathon. 萨克拉门托是一个小镇, 欢迎的感觉, 终点线的食物比一般的比赛食物要贵, 比如水果燕麦粥和时髦的健康骨汤.

如果你是 超级 耐力迷

California is also known for two of the most famous ultra-distance events: the 西部100英里耐力跑, starting in Palisades Tahoe (formerly Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows), 从135英里的死亡谷到惠特尼山 Badwater超级马拉松. Both are epic, incredibly difficult, 和 require qualification to enter.


